What is our solution?
Let me tell you the story behind Nyala Blue.
I’ve been working in the coffee industry for several years. I saw that a lot of coffee farmers are severely underpaid, because they can simply not capture the real value they create from their honest labor. Although a lot of them make considerable sustainability efforts – often even more then required by the major international coffee labels – this does not translate in a better price for their product.
I felt that someone needed to help them to not only track these sustainability efforts in a data-driven way, but also translate them to powerful stories for the end-customer in the West.
So Nyala Blue was born.
In a world that is increasingly putting honest pay and lower carbon footprints above pure profit, Nyala Blue is creating a digital platform, supported by blockchain technology, to allow these coffee farmers to track and tell their story to the world – backed by data and without greenwashing. We call it “Validated Marketing”.
For coffee brands and importers, our data platform can be used to track their supply chain emissions to comply with the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, and the upcoming Green Deal carbon neutrality requirements.
This is how I converted my frustration with the coffee industry today, into the inspiration to make an impact with Nyala Blue for our future. What’s your story?
Our vision & mission
With our blockchain-based data platform we are committed to contribute to this vision.
It is our mission to connect farmers, brands, importers and customers by allowing them to measure, verify and improve awareness of sustainable farming and production processes in their supply chains. By doing this, we believe everyone in the supply chain will keep on investing in sustainable production methods, while getting a fair pay for their work.
Are you a purpose driven brand wanting to make a positive change? Do you want to communicate your supply chain sustainability efforts in a validated way, without resorting to “greenwashing”? Learn how Nyala Blue can support your mission.
Together we grow
Each business is just a small drop in the chain of change, but together we can make big waves. Are you a purpose-driven organization and would you like to set up a collaboration with Nyala Blue?
SDG - Sustainable Development Goals
The world must be a better place to live in, a sustainable planet for everyone. The motto that 193 countries agreed upon when signing the agreement for the SDG’s for this decade is “Leave No one behind”.
The SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) contain different objectives to resolve big global humanitarian and planetary problems like poverty, hunger, inequality, war and climate change. We are aware that every little part helps to improve the whole.
The Nyala vision is to accelerate a world where everyone is entitled to fair and decent paid work, in an environment focused on sustainable production and consumption patterns. With our technological platform we want to support companies that conduct business activities in a socially, ethically, circular and transparent responsible manner.
Our team

Nathalie Versichele

Frederik Van Outryve

Vicky Van den Haute

Igor Milosavljevic
Impact Metrics

Vera Espindola
Sustainability expert

Shane Deconinck
Technology advisor